Tuesday, August 9, 2011


It's no secret, I'm not a great cook. I wish I was. I wish that I could whip things up like our friends, GM and la Chiquitita. Yum! I'm getting hungry, just thinking about their cooking. :)

Knowing that I'm going to be married in less than 6 weeks, I need to start getting these things in order. Being a wife. Married life. You see, I'm not working anymore. Soon, wedding planning will be over. I'm going to be a wife! A Housewife. That stays home. Is supposed to take care of her hubby.

It doesn't hurt, that we've been getting many of our wedding presents. See, we're getting married in Las Vegas. Many people don't want to haul the gifts out there. Thank goodness! So we've been getting presents early. With friends and family, that want us to open them. Let me tell you, we've gotten so much kitchen stuff. It's totally a good thing. Now I just need to learn how to cook.

I'm going to spend a little time with my mom, while Gabe is working. Hopefully I'll pick up a few tips. Maybe I can convince this mujer to give me a few lessons too! Cooking is a basic. Something all wives should now how to do.

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